Our services are designed to support our clients in
their current and future business activities and protect them with optimally
structured reinsurance programmes.
The services which we perform for our clients are primarily centred on
non-life insurance, although they also extend to the life and health classes.
In both areas we devise appropriate reinsurance solutions which draw upon
the entire spectrum of available reinsurance facilities.
Our range of services includes tasks such as:
preparing portfolio analyses and using them to develop appropriate reinsurance solutions
showing the consequences of the proposed reinsurance solutions for the coming years
evaluation / calculation of terms, conditions and rates
preparing proposals for presentation to reinsurers
negotiating conditions with reinsurers, supporting our clients' decision-making processes and handling the final placement
of the chosen reinsurance
drawing up the treaty documentation
implementing modifications during the year or extending the agreed reinsurance terms and conditions
performing all activities relating to information, administration and accounting
Our clients value us as a "sparring partner"
in order to obtain a second opinion on key issues.